My fine art photographs from my hike in the Rancocas water shed. I found some beautiful purple Iris around a small pond. I was lucky and got to see the whole ecosystem.
Red Trail Franklin Parker Preserve 5-21-2020
I love Franklin Parker Preserve and continue to hike the red trail, you should go there and copy some of these pictures. Copying is the highest form of flattery so feel free to copy.
Cedar Swamp Photo Shoot
Cedar Swamp provides a large and important wildlife habitat in an increasingly urbanized area. State-listed rare species occur in the area, as well as the uncommon Atlantic White Cedar swamp for which the area is named.
A swamp of cedar. Choked with oil of cedar
And scurf of plants, and weary and over-heated,
And sorry I ever left the road I knew,
I paused and rested on a sort of hook
That had me by the coat as good as seated,
And since there was no other way to look,
Looked up toward heaven, and there against the blue,
Beaver Pond NJ Pinelands
I love this area of the NJ pine lands which was shown to me by my mentor Steve Greer a great photographer and friend. I miss him.
Wharton Forest Photographs
This is photographs from my hike along Glossy Sprung Road in the Wharton Forest, Pinelands of New Jersey.
The forest shows it’s interconnections to all things. The trees have a relationship with mushrooms Mosses and many other fungi all helping each other. That is just what we see above ground. There is a whole another world below ground.
Tunking Mill Landscape – Pine Lands
In Tabernacle there’s a historic site called Tunking Mill which has some beautiful landscapes which I enjoyed photographing. the location has that beautiful Pine Barrens aka Pine lands silence. I could get lost in the amazing beauty of this location which I’m drawn back to many times and it never gets old.
The locales called this the Tunking Mills because of the sound that this old stamping mill made. Lots of history in the Pine lands.
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