I’ve started reading this wonderful book and I can’t put it down. It has inspired me to make a Photographic book of some the cites he talks about. Buy the book here.
Here’s a couple of images from Apple Pie Hill.
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I’ve started reading this wonderful book and I can’t put it down. It has inspired me to make a Photographic book of some the cites he talks about. Buy the book here.
Here’s a couple of images from Apple Pie Hill.
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Sooy Place
Sooy is a place in the Pinelands that I was not familiar with. I came upon it driving down Sooy place road, making it s short cut to Long beach island. I saw this beautiful landscape and decided to explore it. It has several streams that feed some lakes. One is south branch of the burrs mill. The other is Slab causeway branch.
Here’s some photos for your enjoyment and if go out there watch out for Dangerous Dave.
explore-the-pine-barrens gateway
Some times you have to go down that road less traveled. I wanted to create some fine art photographs of the Pygmy Pine Plains and it’s taken me a long time. After surviving some health issues and failed drone hardware I finally scraped enough money to get a drone and started bay doing aerial photography again. I will continue to practice my aerial work.
Some of mt aerial work on Louis dallara photography
Good place for Pine Lands info
Here’s a blast from the past from the world famous Pygmy Pines Plains, I love the desolation of this area. Physiologist tell that vast UN-interrupted landscape stop one from being in depression. Maybe this is why I love this place so much. If you study these photos you will see there is lots of diversity in the Pinelands.
From yesterdays hike in the Pine Barrens. Found some beautiful bog orchids Rose Pogonia. The Pinelands has some beautiful wildflowers. great place to visit and enjoy nature.