Pine Lands Vista

Shane Branch in the Pinelands

Wandering the Pine Lands aka Pine Barrens, I was called to this location again. I saw this river, I think it is the Shane Branch.

Within the Pine Barrens there are four major river systems. Each of these river systems drain an area of land known as watersheds. This includes stormwater runoff from natural areas as well as developed areas. Runoff from developed areas not only contains various contaminants, but results in higher than normal flows in streams and tributaries.

Batsto Village

batsto-village-5843 photo
Batsto Village Photo
Batsto New Jersey

batsto-village mill Landscape along the Mullica river batsto-village-5843 photoA Visit to Batsto Village


Batsto Village is a historic unincorporated community located on CR 542 within Washington Township in Burlington County, New Jersey, United States. It is located in Wharton State Forest in the south central Pine Barrens, and a part of the Pinelands National Reserve. Wikipedia

Located deep in the Pine Lands of New Jersey Batsto Village is unique in it’s appearance and a great place to visit.
batsto history


From the New Jersey Pine Lands

Photo from above Gosen Pond

New Flight


Here we go, I have been absent for the Pines because of tick bites and Lyme’s disease, but Dr Rawl got me back no fear. I love this image and it has a lot of my feelings connected to this place. I hope you enjoy this peace and quit place with me.

Bye for Now

Photo from above Gosen Pond


Out for Wild friendship

Afternoo pindlands photo at Freindship

This photograph coming from a scouting mission in the pine lands with my son. the trek also included a test drive of hos truck which is designed to do off road exploration. I love this location and I promise more photos and details form this location in the Pine barrens of New Jersey.